
Welcome to the home of the original Star Wars list on the web! The Star Wars list is a group of Star Wars fans who, with the help of the internet and e-mail, have together created a Star Wars community in cyberspace. Below are some links that may further your knowledge of the Star Wars list and Star Wars in general. Browse through our image gallery in the "Movies" section, read summaries and reviews of the novels in the "Books" section, or enhance your knowledge of the Star Wars games in the "Games" section.

May the Force be with you always...

Listmaster Darth Vader, Dark Lord of the Sith


News and Updates

The Movies

The Books

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Links to member pages


received 4/3/99
Award proudly received from the Dark Lords of the Sith


Music playing: 20th Century Fox Fanfare and Star Wars Main Title

This page has been visited times since February 1999.

This page is property of a non-profit organization and is in no way affiliated with LucasArts. All characters, terms, pictures, and logos property of LucasArts. Star Wars copyright 1977, The Empire Strikes Back copyright 1980, Return of the Jedi copyright 1983, and The Phantom Menace copyright 1999. If this page is infringing on any copyrights or has material which should not be displayed please mail Darth Vader at and I will remove the material immediately.