In the course of galactic history, rebellion has never been sanctioned as a legitimate course of action. But in the event of violent overthrow of a peaceful government by one whose actions deem him a tyrant, it is our duty and right as citizens of the galaxy to declare rebellion.

The "New Order" of Senator Palpatine has shaken our galaxy to its very core. He has uprooted tradition, defied law, trampled on the undeniable rights of the people, and desecrated culture to implement his own despotic rule. He has conquered peaceful civilization with force and fire, tortured the innocent, massacred the weak, shamelessly stripped peoples of their own dignity. His despotic rule threatens the fabric of the civilization that our forefathers of the Old Republic gave their lives to build.

We cannot condone such blatant tyranny. To do so would be to jeopardize the very lives of the peoples of the galaxy. Therefore we declare ourselves no longer under the rule of the New Order. We profess our innate right to rebel against stifling despotism and to end suffering. We declare our freedom.

Senior Senator Mon Mothma, Chandrila
Senator Bail Organa, Alderaan
General Garm Bel Iblis, Corellia

2.35.5567, old date


Commander Antilles at Endor HOME PLANET: Corellia
VEHICLE OF CHOICE: Rebel Alliance X-Wing (Incom T-65)
STATS: Wedge is one of the top battle commanders of the Galaxy. Even his friend Darth, an Imperial, respects his skill with an X-Wing's lasers. When Wedge has free time, he relaxes by playing trumpet and listening to his country music. He recently moved from his home planet of Corellia to the far planet of Tatooine, but he plans to return to Corellia soon.

Kyle Katarn REAL NAME: Jules
OCCUPATION: Pilot, Rebel secret agent
Note from Darth Vader: The following information is the biased view of an extremely misguided and deluded rebel agent and is in no way the opinion of this list. Please send any complaints to Kyle.
Being a former Imperial Agent, Kyle enjoys making sport of the Empire, as well as watching the Star Wars trilogy over and over again. Kyle maintains his own personal website, and enjoys writing stories. Frequently shouting Interjections that make little or no sense, he is devoted to destroy the Empire due to a disturbing incident concerning his father's decapitation. As demonstrated in Dark Forces and Jedi Knight, Kyle has proven to successfully kill hundreds of stormtroopers and Dark Jedi without any help from his fellow rebels. Being outnumbered is not an issue. The Empire shall die!

R2-D2 HOME PLANET: Unknown
OCCUPATION: Astromech droid
VEHICLE OF CHOICE: Rebel Allliance X-wing (Incom T-65)

Wicket on Endor REAL NAME: Billy Wan
OCCUPATION: Village warrior
STATS: The Ewok is one of our more colorful characters. He spends his days studying to bring up his bad grades in college, plotting to kill his rival Dark Sith Lord Exar Kun, and pining for his lost love, the koala Vanessa. One of these days, the Ewok hopes to visit Coruscant so he can see his idol Darth Vader in person.